Understanding opBNB on BNB Smart Chain and How It Works

Blockchain technology is constantly evolving, and with it comes the challenges of network congestion, high gas fee, and transaction finality period. 

Layer-1 networks like Ethereum combat this challenge by employing layer-2 scaling solutions on top of the base layer-1 network by implementing various methods such as rollups, plasma, sidechains, etc.

To address the issue of low throughput and scalability challenges owing to wider network adoption and popularity among builders who choose BNB Smart Chain as their base chain, Binance, the founder of L1 BNB Smart Chain (BSC), has launched opBNB, a Layer-2 solution on the BNB Smart Chain (BSC). This latest technological launch by Binance aims to solve the scalability challenges of BNB L1 by employing Optimistic Rollups, an ingenious technique that shifts transactions off-chain while preserving crucial transaction data on-chain.

The Genesis of opBNB

The opBNB testnet was launched on June 19, 2023, to solve the scalability issue in layer-1 blockchains. The opBNB solution inherits its essence from the formidable Optimism OP Stack, an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatible Layer-2 chain designed to fortify BSC's scalability while honoring its trademark affordability and security ethos.

In simple terms, it's an attempt by Binance to counter 'The Blockchain Dilemma,' also known as the Dilemma of Security, Scalability, and Decentralization.

Mechanics of opBNB

The opBNB solution, just like Optimistic Rollups on Ethereum L-1, bundles several transactions before they are submitted to the main chain, significantly enhancing the system's capacity.

This elegant approach reduces the computational load on the BSC and significantly lowers the transaction cost. With the blend of BSC's strength and opBNB's distinctive new features, which are not yet implicated by Optimism – currently, the biggest L2 protocol employing optimistic rollups — including optimized data accessibility and an improved cache system, opBNB increases the gas limit to an impressive 100M per from the current rate of 30M per block that Optimism allows.

The Impact of opBNB on the BNB Ecosystem

One of the most significant advantages of opBNB is its potential to reduce gas fees and network congestion. By executing transactions off-chain and storing them on the Mainnet as calldata, opBNB significantly reduces the computational load on the BSC.

With opBNB, the BNB ecosystem is poised to handle over 4000 transactions per second at an average cost of less than $0.005 per transaction if the targeted goals are sustained. BNB chain currently handles around 2000 transactions per second, while Ethereum L1 only does 30 transactions per second. It is a significant improvement in terms of scalability and affordability.

This not only enhances the performance and scalability of the BNB Smart Chain (BSC) but also lowers the transaction cost significantly, making blockchain technology more accessible and affordable for users.

On top of that, opBNB's EVM compatibility paves the way for seamless migration of existing Ethereum applications to BSC, broadening the reach of these applications while leveraging the best of both Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain ecosystems.

The Potential of opBNB in Gaming Applications

The gaming industry is one of the sectors that stand to benefit immensely from the opBNB solution. Blockchain-based games require fast transaction speeds and high throughput for a seamless user experience. The opBNB solution is designed to cater to these requirements. With its ability to handle high volumes of transactions efficiently and at a lower cost, opBNB could revolutionize how games are developed and played.

By providing a dedicated high-performance ledger for gaming applications, opBNB could pave the way for more complex and immersive gaming experiences on the blockchain.


The launch of opBNB is a significant step forward in the journey toward mass adoption of blockchain technology. With its ability to process 4000 transactions per second (TPS), opBNB surpasses the transaction capacity of many existing Layer 1 networks. This scalability, coupled with the potential to reduce gas fees and improve performance, makes opBNB a promising solution for the future of blockchain technology. As more developers and users recognize the benefits of opBNB, we can expect to see a surge in the number of applications built on this innovative platform.

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