Difference Between Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchains

Blockchain technology has emerged as a groundbreaking innovation, transforming how we interact with data and conduct transactions. At the heart of this technology lie two primary types of blockchains: permissioned and permissionless. Each type comes with its unique set of advantages and challenges. 

What are Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchains?

Permissioned Blockchains

Permissioned blockchains, often called private blockchains, are not open to the public. Access to these blockchains is restricted to authorized users who can perform specific actions as granted by the administrators of the ledger. These users are required to identify themselves through digital means, such as certificates. This requirement for an access control layer sets permissioned blockchains apart from their public counterparts, offering enhanced security. Entities prioritizing security, identity, and role definition within the blockchain often favor permissioned blockchains.

Permissionless Blockchains

Permissionless or public blockchains are open networks where anyone can participate in the consensus process to validate transactions and data. These blockchains are fully decentralized, involving unknown and unrelated parties. Key features of permissionless blockchains include complete transparency of transactions, open-source development, anonymity, absence of a central authority, and the use of tokens and other digital assets as incentives for participation.

Key Differences Between Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchains

Enterprise vs. Public Use

Bitcoin, the most well-known permissionless blockchain, allows anyone to participate in the network as a full node or a contributing miner. As the use of blockchain technology expands and matures, businesses and governments recognize the cost-saving benefits it offers. Consequently, permissioned blockchains have gained popularity among industry-level firms and enterprises that require security, identity, and role definition.


Permissionless blockchains are broadly decentralized, allowing for more users and spanning a much larger network. In contrast, permissioned blockchains have limited decentralization as they are typically used for enterprise and business purposes, necessitating varying degrees of centralization.


Permissionless blockchains are generally open-source, meaning a community develops them, and anyone can use and modify them. On the other hand, permissioned blockchains are usually proprietary and controlled by the developers or the business using them.


Permissionless blockchains offer less transparency as they provide users with a certain degree of anonymity. Transactions are encrypted using various cryptography methods, and wallet addresses cannot generally be traced back to the users. In contrast, permissioned blockchains require more transparency at certain levels as they are used for business purposes. The nodes (users and their connections) are known, and their transactions are visible.

Pros and Cons of Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchains

Pros and Cons of Permissionless Blockchain

Permissionless blockchains' open, highly decentralized nature brings certain advantages and disadvantages. The pros include broader decentralization, a high degree of transparency, resistance to censorship, and strong security. However, the cons include poor energy efficiency due to the resource-intensiveness of network-wide verification of transactions, lower performance and scalability, and less privacy and user control over information.

Pros and Cons of Permissioned Blockchain

Being closed to outsiders gives permissioned blockchains clear advantages, but downsides exist. The pros include incremental decentralization, strong privacy, customizability for specific uses, and better performance and scalability. However, the cons include increased risk of corruption and collusion due to fewer participants, and the consensus is more easily overridden because the owners and operators can change the rules of consensus, immutability, and mining. There's also less transparency to outside oversight because the number of participants is limited, and the network's operators determine privacy requirements.

Use Cases of Permissioned and Permissionless Blockchains

Permissionless Blockchains –

Permissionless blockchains are typically used in applications with a strong financial component or those that require highly decentralized blockchains. These include:

  • Digital asset trading: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum are traded on permissionless blockchains.
  • Crowdfunding and donations: Blockchain technology can make crowdfunding and donations more transparent and efficient.
  • Distributed file storage: Blockchain technology can also be used for decentralized file storage, ensuring data security and integrity.

Permissioned Blockchains –

Permissioned blockchains have enabled new applications that depend on privacy and security. These include:

  • Supply chain provenance tracking: Permissioned blockchains can provide a secure and transparent way to track the movement of goods through a supply chain.
  • Claims settlement: Insurance companies can use permissioned blockchains to automate and streamline the claims settlement process.
  • Identity verification: Permissioned blockchains can provide a secure and efficient way to verify identities in various applications, from banking to voting.

Closing Thoughts

As we wrap up our comprehensive exploration of permissioned and permissionless blockchains, it's clear that both types offer unique advantages and potential applications. The choice between the two will depend on your specific needs, whether it's the security and control offered by permissioned blockchains or the openness and decentralization of permissionless blockchains. As blockchain technology continues to evolve and mature, we can expect to see even more innovative applications and use cases.

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